Groups Urge Passage of Budget Resolution As First Step in Passing Tax Reform
Dear Member of Congress:
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we write in support of efforts to pass comprehensive, pro-growth tax reform in 2017.
In following with regular order, the first step toward achieving this goal must be passage of a budget resolution with reconciliation instructions that unlock tax reform.
Given the opposition from most Senate Democrats to the tax reform plan, the only realistic way that it can be passed into law is through budget reconciliation that prevents a Senate filibuster.
Republicans have long promised that if they were given control of the White House and Congress they would pass pro-growth tax reform into law. In the remaining months of 2017, you and your colleagues have the chance to keep this promise.
We look forward to working with President Trump and the “Big Six” negotiators in the House, Senate, and the Administration to pass tax reform that is pro-growth and pro-taxpayer. We strongly support efforts to simplify the code so that it is fairer for families and individuals, while also encouraging the economy to grow, leading to the creation of more jobs and higher wages.
However, until Congress passes a budget resolution, tax writers will be unable to move forward through a regular order process as conservatives expect. As a result, it is crucial that a budget resolution is swiftly passed so that tax reform efforts can move forward.
Americans for Tax Reform
National Taxpayers Union
American Legislative Exchange Council
Americans for Prosperity
Faith & Freedom Coalition
Family Business Coalition
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
American Commitment
Club for Growth
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce