Coalition Groups Support Efforts to Delay Obamacare Taxes

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January 17, 2018 3:15 pm

The Honorable Paul D. Ryan
Speaker, United States House of Representatives
H – 232, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515

The Honorable Mitch McConnell
Majority Leader, United States Senate
S – 230, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell:

We write in support of efforts to offer tax relief to American families through delay of Obamacare taxes.

Recent media reports suggest that Congress is considering passing one or two year relief of the health insurance tax, five years of relief from the medical device tax, and one additional year of relief from the Cadillac Tax, as part of a continuing resolution to fund the federal government.

If lawmakers fail to act, these taxes will lead to higher premiums and higher costs for middle class families, seniors, and small businesses.

Over the long-term, lawmakers must continue working to repeal all one trillion in Obamacare taxes as part of reforms that increase access to care, lower costs, and get the government out of health care.

In the meantime, lawmakers should ensure temporary relief from as many Obamacare taxes as possible.


Grover Norquist
President, Americans for Tax Reform

James L Martin
Founder/Chairman, 60 Plus Association

Phil Kerpen
President, American Commitment

Lisa B. Nelson
CEO , ALEC Action

Dan Weber
President, Association of Mature American Citizens

Norm Singleton
President, Campaign for Liberty

Andrew F. Quinlan
President, Center for Freedom and Prosperity

Olivia Grady
Senior Fellow, Center for Worker Freedom

Jeffrey Mazzella
President , Center for Individual Freedom

Tom Schatz
President, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Katie McAuliffe
Executive Director, Digital Liberty

Palmer Schoening
President, Family Business Coalition

Jason Pye
Vice President of Legislative Affairs, FreedomWorks

George Landrith
President, Fron tiers of Freedom

Brandon Arnold
Executive Vice President, National Taxpayer’s Union

Lorenzo Montanari
Executive Director, Property Rights Alliance

Karen Kerrigan
President & CEO, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

David Williams
President, Taxpayers Protection Alliance

Jenny Beth Martin
Chairman, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund

Nancy Piotter
Executive Director, Virginians for Quality Healthcare

Amy Kremer
Co – chair, Women for Trump