For far too long, out-of-touch and unaccountable union bosses have been calling the shots in Washington, D.C. and statehouses across the country.
More than half the states have already adopted laws protecting employees from forced-unionization as a condition of employment. Beyond expanding workers’ choice, laws ending compulsory union membership often have a strong positive economic impact as well.
Perhaps this is why up to 30 percent of union members say they would opt out of joining a union, if only they were given a choice.
Between 2003 and 2013, states with Right-to-Work laws grew gross state product and personal income by 58.8 percent and 57.9 percent, respectively. By contrast, the average forced-union states during the same time period grew gross state product and personal income by just 44.3 percent and 45.8 percent, respectively.
Right-to-Work states especially outperform their forced-union counterparts in measuring non-farm payroll employment growth between 2003-2013. Right-to-Work states experienced non-farm payroll employment growth of 8.6 percent, more than double the 3.7 percent from the forced-union states.
American families work too hard to see wages and employment stifled by forced-union policies. They also pay too much in taxes to have even more money confiscated from their paychecks to pay for union political activity.
Since 2011, six solidly forced-union states have decided to protect employee choice by becoming Right-to-Work states: Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri.
With the majority of Americans now living in 28 Right-to-Work states, it’s time for the other states to follow suit.