For years, the Missouri General Assembly fought for employee freedom and paycheck protection. While Missouri lawmakers tried to modestly expand employee choice, other states moved ahead on Right-to-Work: Michigan and Indiana in 2012, Wisconsin in 2015, West Virginia in 2016 and Kentucky in January 2017. Finally, after years of work and with a new governor at the helm, Missouri became the 28th Right-to-Work state on August 28, 2017.
Right-to-Work laws strengthen a state’s economy, attract new business and encourage expansion of existing companies. Further, Right-to-Work laws encourage unions to be more competitive in the workplace, offer attractive services and respond to workplace needs, thereby earning an employee’s decision to join a union.
Missouri lawmakers and Governor Greitens believe Missourians should not be forced to give up their hard-earned dollars in union dues just to keep their job.
Send an email to thank your lawmakers and Governor Greitens for finally giving Missouri employees the right to choose whether or not to join a union!