Indiana: Tell Your Lawmakers Obamacare Hurts Hoosier Families (Archived)

Obamacare has been a disaster for the Hoosier State. Regulations and taxes have led to higher insurance and health care costs and fewer insurance options.

  • Since 2013, the average American spends nearly $250 more per month, or $3,000 more every year, on health insurance premiums.
  • In 2014, 176,850 Hoosier households paid the IRS for the right to go without health insurance.
  • 281,018 Hoosiers have a Health Savings Account, which is subject to additional Obamacare taxes.
  • 65,953 school-aged children in Indiana have disabilities. Obamacare taxes on Flexible Savings Accounts hit families with special needs especially hard.
  • Finding that Obamacare could not provide what they needed, nearly 30 percent of Americans who signed up for Obamacare coverage in 2016 have already dropped out.
  • More than 76,000 Hoosiers may lose their health insurance next year after more insurers abandoned Obamacare.
  • 19 of the 23 Obamacare Co-Ops have collapsed, and four Indiana counties have zero insurance providers – which is no option at all.

Hoosier families are hurting. Call your Senators and Representative and tell them: REPEAL Obamacare and return decision-making power back to the states and the individuals where it belongs.

Call Senators Joe Donnelly and Todd Young here.

Call your Representative here.

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