Coalition Supports Cruz Amendment to Expand Education Savings for Families

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December 1, 2017 1:15 pm

On behalf of our organizations, we urge you to support an amendment (#1725) filed by Senators Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Ben Sasse to expand school choice for millions of American children. The amendment broadens 529 education savings accounts so that they can be used in K-12 education. Echoing policy in the House tax reform bill, this amendment expands the definition of qualified 529 expenses to include K-12 tuition, as well as home schooling expenses, up to $10,000 per year per child. Education savings should be able to be used for both college as well as pre-college education. Parents deserve to have all the tools at their disposal to choose the education they want for their children.

National Taxpayers Union
Americans for Tax Reform
Heritage Action for America
ALEC Action
Independent Women’s Voice
Home School Legal Defense Association
Faith & Freedom Coalition
Invest in Education Coalition
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Campaign For Liberty
60 Plus Association
Center for Individual Freedom
Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund
James Madison Institute
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Patriot Voices